Wednesday 3 November 2010

A Word of Warning

I need to warn you that if you click on the link below, you are going to be confronted with a whole lot of photos. There are a few reasons for this that I feel like I need to explain out of fear that if I don't, I will be considered narcissistic or at the very least one of those people who thinks everyone in the world wants to see pictures of their children.

First, I have this whole system of organizing photos in which I copy all the best photos from each month into a separate folder so that I don't have to go through every photo searching for the one or two that I'd like to print. Then when I want to upload some photos to FB or Picasa, I can just do the whole folder without having to go back through all my photos just to find the good ones.

Second, at the very end of July I found myself with a new baby and a new camera, both of which I loved very much. Given the whole "new baby" part, I didn't quite get around to exploring the whole "new camera" part until August. This meant lots and lots of photos in August. And then lots and lots of photos in September. Having the new camera stolen slowed me down a bit, but the arrival of a second new camera ensured the photographic juices kept flowing.

Third, I am just way too obsessive compulsive to only post some photos from the "Best of August 2010" folder. I have to post them all. There are several minor variations on a theme but I couldn't choose which ones I liked best and always had a voice in the back of my head saying things like, "Maybe you'll want to print a couple versions of this scene later so you can hang a series of prints. Better just put all the shots in one folder." I like to think this is akin to Picasso's Las Meninas series of paintings. Anyone who has visited us and heeded our recommendation to see the Picasso museum knows what I'm talking about. For those who haven't-- Picasso did a whole series of different variations of his interpretation of Diego Velazquez's Las Meninas. Over and over, the three girls, the dog, the midget, the painter, just slightly different each time. These are my photos, minus the artistic genius.

Fourth, I am just way too obsessive compulsive to skip a month. I've already made some concessions in just posting the giant folder from August on Picasa and not submitting the FB world to the full version. Skipping the month altogether would just haunt me. I'm already a bit disturbed by the fact that I skipped August on FB by accident and have only been posting the latest albums in FB.

Finally, I know there are a few blog readers who are not regular FB users or even on FB at all or just forgot their FB password (Abram). For this reason I put the links in both places (I'm winking at you, Dad and Lauritz). And I have received requests for more photos but I absolutely do not think the world needs to see photos of my children. I love them and they are perfect to and for me, but you certainly don't have to agree. We can still be friends.

Without further ado, Los Meninos.

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