Monday 22 November 2010

Clarification on "One of the Two"

Holly made a comment on my "One of Two" post that made me realize I should clarify and probably rescind some of the opinions expressed in that post. I sat back and had a good think about any specific examples I could find of friends whose blogs had turned into nothing but their children, and I couldn't think of any of my immediate friends. So I had to ask myself where this feeling came from and I realized it's from people I no longer really keep in touch with but just cyber stalk by clicking on links of friends of friends of friends, etc. I do have friends with blogs that do feature photos and information about their kids, but I always hear my friends' voices in their posts and so I've always loved them. The friends of friends of friends are really just cyber acquaintances and I never really cared too much about their kids anyways so they became an easy target for my ranting. Sorry about that.

I was thinking tonight as I cuddled with S, that the truth is I fell genuinely honored to know my friends' children and to hear about their lives-- not just because they are little mini extensions of my friends, but because they are all much better people than I am and they've only been doing this living thing for a few years. I didn't see what an honor it was to know them before because let's face it, I was a selfish person and was a bit bitter that no one would come visit us unless we had grandchildren to visit as well. Now I am still a selfish person but people have come to visit me and so I'm a bit less bitter and can see past myself and realize how amazing this whole family thing is.

The photos are just because who wants to read a blog post without photos and it seems a bit hypocritical to post more photos of my boys. In honor of the fact that we're catching up on Madmen, I give you our Madmen avatars. Comforting to see that Andrew looks like a terrorist in any era.


Holly said...

I just read the comment you left and then this blog post. Don't worry I wasn't taking your comment personally. I have a little of the opposite problem I have a friend who has 4 kids and her blog is about just about everything, BUT her kids, so then it makes me start to think, "What kind of mom is she?!" Anywhoo, I think for Christmas I want a phone conversation with you sometime when ours kids are asleep or the husbands can take charge so we can catch up without interruption. And you'll have to remind me about Emma's baglady comment, because I've completely forgotten it.

Andrew and Marie Benson said...

Oh man, the bag lady story was classic. You were shopping for practical shoes when Emma said something about not wanting you to look like a bag lady and pulled out a pair of gold lace-up stiletto sandals. Does that sound right? I think she was five at the time.