Tuesday 21 July 2009

The Tour of France

Apparently there's this big bike race every year through France. Some sort of tour. Whatever, all I know is it's several kilometres long. Dozens even. This year it dipped down through Barcelona for the second time ever, and part of that dip took it about a block away from our flat:

Since I work fairly close to home I was able to step out of the office for a couple of minutes to participate in the excitement. Marie and Oliver saved me a spot. Oliver certainly caught the race fever, as you can see:

The rain was nice enough to let up as they entered the town so we didn't get a drop on us. I was busy operating both the video camera and the still camera at the same time, but I still managed to catch a shot of Lance in the peloton (I think):

Kinda cool to have it happen so close to us. Generally speaking, the best way to have the Tour pass through the town where you're living is to be living in France, so we dodged that bullet.

1 comment:

Heidi Lyn said...

What a fun experience!