Monday 20 July 2009

Worst. Father. Ever.

Last week we were making a curry. Well, Marie was doing most of the making while I tended to Oliver and put him down for his nap. While I was helping cut up some ginger he woke up a little early, so I picked him up, rocked him back down to sleep, and felt pretty good about the whole fatherhood thing.

When he woke up again from his nap he was exceptionally fussy. Normally after a long Sunday afternoon nap he wakes up feeling pretty good about things and life in general--sorta takes after his old man that way. I saw a large red rash on his arm, and right in the very centre of that rash...a single chili seed. Under the seed itself was a welt the exact size and shape of the seed. When I was cutting the ginger I somehow picked up a seed from the adjacent chilis and transferred it to his arm. His little baby skin was so sensitive that it sat there and burned him for nearly an hour. Almost nearly as bad as the fact that I inadvertantly tortured my son for an hour? The fact that he may never like chilis. Yessir, that there is some gooooood parenting. Worst. Father. Ever.

Epilogue: I washed the rash and wiped it down with some milk to neutralise the acid and the rash was gone within the hour. To prove he was none the worse for wear, check out the below video. Still no word on his feelings about chilis.


Holly said...

I remember reading a quote once that said something like, "Think of God's priorities that a baby learns to laugh before it can talk, walk, feed itself, go to the bathroom independently, etc. Obviously laughing is something we need to learn early." Oliver has the cutest laugh. And Andrew, you are not even close to the worst father ever.

Heidi Lyn said...

Poor Oliver! I hope he comes out of tongue surgery with flying colors and maybe he'll be ready to eat chilis!?

aaron said...

With the blond hair and smile, he really looks like Elliot.

Jen said...

ha ha! way to go Andrew! I always knew you'd be a great daddy! =) That's will only get better as he gets older! That's what daddy's are torture their kids and then the mom come to the rescue and scold the dad for doing it in the first place, etc etc. At least he doesn't have any long term memory at this age!