Friday, 2 May 2008

Whole lotta videos

Hi everyone (like, all 6 of you that might ever read this),

If this post has a bit of a different flavour, it's because this is Andrew posting as Marie. First time ever.

Yesterday, May 1, was a holiday in...well, all of Europe, really. I had work off, so we took some time to walk around Montjuïc, a hillside on which there's a palace, fountains, park, a bunch of stuff from the '92 Olympics, and so forth. Noah, Aaron's son, requested videos of family members, so we set out to make him one. These are our attempts, each one poorer than the one that preceded it. Mostly. Marie won't let me post my favourite video, as it contains profanity, and also insinuation of potentially illegal activities (apparently it might be "against" the "law" to spy on your neighbours with a camera, or so I'm told).

Then, Marie found some stray cats, and we decided to take some videos of them for Sofia, Nate's daughter. She likes cats, we hear. I think it was mostly an excuse for Marie to play with the stray cats. So that's the point of the cat videos there. I've also thrown in a few other pics from that day. Hope this makes up for the fact that we haven't posted since, like, October.


Michelle said...

Cheech, how come you don't make a video for me? All of those videos were for NOAH! Sheesh. I'm not watching anymore of your videos until you say my name in one of them.

P.S. Those are beautiful pictures. Where did you buy them? (haha)

Michelle said...

P.P.S. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!! Que hicieron para celebrar?

Anonymous said...

Yeah. My feelings are the same as Michelle. How come Noah rates so high. When did he ever let you dig a big hole in his backyard?

The cats were far less exciting than seeing pictures of you both. Cats are supposed to do something like jump up and open a door handle, or freefall nine stories, landing delicately on their feet. Not you, Andrew - the cats. Of course, I might have enjoyed a video of Andrew chasing two pieces of string or something equally unamusing.

The still photographs are great! You live near areas of great beauty. I hope you're grateful for the experience, but know we all miss having you closer.

Thanks again for the blog.

Love, Dad

Andrew and Marie Benson said...

I feel so honored. We not only finally got Dad to check out a blog but he actually even commented. Thank you, Dad.

Michelle, is that a request for a video? Andrew and I seem to be in the business of making poor videos of ourselves and innocent animals to fill requests from family members. And, somehow, they don't seem to be as jazzed about mexican General Seguin's defeat over french forces inteh battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 here. So cinco de mayo was pretty boring, but thanks for the mention. We celebrated by eating tortellini with sage and lemon and then having a little FHE with strawberry shortcake for dessert. Wild!

And for anyone who cares, Noah's hard earned response to our videos was "peaches". After some coaxing he said thank you and that he liked it. Also, it really is kind of funny to see how those cats react to a string (not sure Andrew's cinematography captured that). They've never seen one before and so they become absolutely enthralled, even forgetting their fear of people. So far, no comment from Sofia about the cat videos.

One last thing Michi, before we start production on your video, do you have any requests of things you'd like to see in it? Apparently our videos for Noah didn't contain enough (or any) trucks or balls.

Michelle said...

I'd just like my name and something you like about me. Just kidding. No specific requests. It's just nice to see your faces. You guys look so good. It seems like forever since we've seen you. I will work on getting an update of our blog soon. Besos!

Andrew and Marie Benson said...

Michelle, somebody's got a birthday coming up! And we might need the couple months we have until then to pull this video production together for you-- what with all the set design and creation, costumes, scripts, unions, gaphers. Nothing second rate for the birthday girl who actually reads and comments on our blog, which I am so grateful for.