Friday 6 August 2010

Sebastian Benson

Our Aryan brood has grown by one more, as the Benson Baby Machine continues to march across the world. Better watch out, Poland! (Nazi joke: check. But before I come off as anti-semitic, I have spent the last hour or so emailing every synagogue and Jewish community center in the greater Barcelona area looking for a mohel that works in August, so never let it be said that I don't have an open mind.)

Actually, Sebastian actually looks like he might be a little darker than Oliver (although Oliver looked pretty dark to me at this stage too) and has a chance of having brown eyes.

The little fella was due on Monday August 2, but the doctor kept telling us that he thought he was going to be early, and that when he did decide to come it was going to be fast. He was right on both counts. I came home for a late lunch last Thursday and was putting Oliver down for his nap at about 4 pm when Marie said she had what felt like a contraction. I told her to go lay down, relax, and to tell Baby he couldn't come until after her father arrived Friday morning. I figured labour with Oliver lasted about 24 hours, if she could get this one to wait just half that amount of time, we'd be in good shape.

Not a chance.

I left home and went to our other office to sort some things out, before returning to my office to try to put things in order in case I wasn't in the next day. The texts and phone calls from Marie were getting increasingly more frantic, so I ran out after getting as much done as I could, stopped by the store to pick up some supplies, and got home in time to see Marie well into the advances stages of labour. She was still hanging up laundry too, bless her heart. After I got there she spent the next half hour on various positions to alleviate the pain. Well mostly it was on all 4's, but just in various locations throughout the flat. I asked her if she had tried, you know, NOT having contractions. She was not amused.

When our (16-year-old) babysitter arrived, she remarked that seeing this was the best form of birth control she could have experienced. Shortly thereafter our doula (midwife) arrived, and we were off to the hospital. Marie spent the ride on her knees in the back seat, turned around racing the rear of the cab while the driver apologised for the rain and told her that she was strong and she was going to make it. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who heard him though.

Once we got there, they wheeled her away while I ran around trying to sign her in so she could get a room after baby was out. Scratch that...I actually gave up trying to sign in after about 5 minutes and spent the next 25 being lost and trying to find the delivery room. But find it I did, and 30 minutes later, BAM. Baby. Quick as you please, about 7:55 pm. 3.7 kg, 50 cm, almost identical to Oliver (Oliver was 3.5 kg). Marie's version of events differs slightly from mine, but the important thing is, at no point did I push the wrong button and spray toilet water all over the bathroom.

We ran out of the flat so fast we didn't even bring clothes for Sebastian, so I had to come back and get them after the birth and then head back up there. Public trans was running slow that time of night so it was about 2 hours by the time I made it back. Larry arrived Friday morning and a friend was nice enough to meet him at the airport and help him get to our flat. He has been great with Oliver, who has been suffering just a bit of separation anxiety, but he's getting better at letting us leave the room without losing it.

I already sent these around, but here are some pics. I'll add some know. Eventually.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Thanks for the blow-by-blow account. Hope you've saved a hard copy for your family records.

Love, Dad Petersen