Monday 17 November 2008

Pride goeth before the fall

Or in this case, before the leak. Although it may very well be the fall of the bathroom ceiling if I can't get this fixed.

I was feeling rather cocky this weekend and even went so far as to boldly proclaim aloud that the flat had gone several days drip-free. The universe has seen fit to correct me on this matter. Sunday evening at about 10:30 pm the bathroom ceiling started leaking again, and continued to do so all through the night. Whatever our neighbours are doing up there, they seem to just be doing more of it. I know there's water building up up there and I can only hope their landlord gets them to shut off the water before I lose my bathroom. My landlord has assured me this message has been conveyed. Honestly it sounds like they've built a jacuzzi up there. There's constantly water running and swishing around. The icing on the cake is that the bathroom sink and hall radiator have begun leaking, just for kicks. It just makes me so angry. And you wouldn't like to see me angry....


aaron said...


Cheech said...

Sorry Aaron; was that not broad enough for you? I can tone it down a bit more next time so this kind of stuff doesn't go right over your head. The internet is hard!

Claudia P. said...

You two...

Claudia P. said...

PS. please tell Marie she looks *gorgeous* with her bump

Yo' Mama said...

You are the most entertaining person alive on the planet. Perhaps this is all a sign that you need to name your unborn "Drip" or "Drizella". Because honestly, who wouldn't want a name that rhymes with chip or yizella.