Michelle "tagged" me a while ago and I have never fulfilled my duties as "it", but I am prepared to do so now.
Who tagged you?
My sister-in-law
What is her name?
Michi Okabe Petersen (but we just call her Michelle or
How long have you been together?
Well, Michelle and I were in Young Women together in Concord, CA a long long time ago. I borrowed her black velvet dress for my eight grade graduation dance but then she moved away and we lost touch. Until Lauritz brought her back into my life, for which I am grateful. But maybe that question is supposed to refer to my spouse, Andrew, who I have known for about 8 1/2 years. I haven't lost touch with him yet.
How long did you date?
Michelle and I never really dated, but Andrew and I did. It's not really clear when our first date was but we first kissed in December
and then were married the following November, almost a year.
How old is he?
Not sure
Michi wants me to tell, but Andrew is 28.
Who eats more?
I never see Michelle eat, which is too bad because I usually make a pig of myself at her house. Good stuff there. I usually eat small bits throughout the day while Andrew forgets to eat and then is able to put down just about anything in any amount that he wants. Not sure who comes out ahead in the end.
Who said I love you first?
I think I told Michelle I loved her first. I have this fear of those I love not knowing that I love them
because my actions certainly don't show it. So I blurt it out and make people feel uncomfortable. However
Andrew says he was the first to mention the "l" word on our kind-of first date, but he qualified it by mentioning the "platonic" word as well.
Who is taller?
Than Michelle? I think the question is who isn't. But Andrew is taller than me.
Who sings better?
I can't remember Michelle's singing voice but if she has any of her father's genes she definitely sings better than me. Andrew does as well.
Who is smarter?
Michelle is definitely smarter than me and so is Andrew. At least he likes to use bigger words
and have political discussions that make him look quite intelligent. He's got me fooled into thinking he's smarter.
Whose temper is worse?
I don't think I've ever seen Michelle mad. Frustrated, yes, but even then she is fun to be around. I frighten Andrew with my temper sometimes, but I find a secret pleasure in getting really upset every once in a while. Very cathartic.
Who does the laundry?
Me, but I just do Andrew and my laundry, not Michelle's.
Who does the dishes?
Me, but I do
have to fight Andrew off of them sometimes, remember my temper. He's a good man that one.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
If you're facing the bed, Andrew does. If not, I do. I have to make sure he has the side that doesn't get seen when people walk in the room. His
bed stand isn't the neatest thing.
Who pays the bills?
Andrew, he's the only one making money and the only one who can keep it straight between all the countries our accounts are in.
Who mows the lawn?
Usually Dad, since that's the last place we lived that had a lawn. It would be nice to see some grass here every once in a while.
Who cooks dinner?
I wish Michelle cooked for us. Unfortunately Andrew has to put up with my cooking except for when he does his brilliant curries or yummy fajitas.
Who drives when you are together?
We walk and walk and walk and walk. We're like the pioneer children with less singing as we walk.
Who is more stubborn?
I think Michelle has to be pretty stubborn to be able to stand up to Lauritz. I'm probably more stubborn about stupid things, and now that I think about it probably on everything. Andrew is a much better person than me. Much.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
I can't think of a time Michelle has ever been wrong. Andrew is usually always right so he doesn't need to admit anything. I'm usually wrong but too proud to admit it.
Whose parents do you see the most?
If we're talking quantity of parents, Andrew's since he has two to my one. But quantity of time it just depends on whose parents we are living with while we try to figure out where we'll be living next.
Who kissed who first?
think I kissed Michelle first but it was just on the cheek. I think it took
her a little while to get used to the kisses we spread in our family. But Andrew kissed me first. He did ask if it would ruin our friendship if he kissed me. When I said I
didn't know he just dove right in. The friendship was ruined but we prefer what came out of it.
Who asked who out?
Andrew asked me if I wanted to hang out but I don't think he intended it as a date.
Who proposed?
No one really. Andrew asked if I was ready to tell people we were engaged and again I said I didn't know (we
had broken up the week before). Then we went and bought a ring. For something I was never really sure of it's turned out really well.
Who is more sensitive?
To the other person? Or who gets hurt most? I'd say Andrew is more sensitive to me and I get more offended because I don't want him to think he's too perfect. he makes me look like a bad person, which I know but I'd rather not admit it.
Who has more friends?
I think Andrew has more friends in general but I have more close friends.
Who has more siblings?
Definitely Andrew.
Who wears the pants in the family?
Andrew does despite the fact that I keep trying to put them on. In the end I know they work better on him, though.
And now I pass the tag on to Holly who has a blog but doesn't post anything. Here's something you can post, Holly. Or actually, it might be funny to hear Andrew's answers so I'll tag you both and whoever posts first is a better player than I was.