... it's pie. Lots and lots of pie. "But, " you might be wondering, "didn't you have a baby or two since your last post?" And yes, we did and that started the whole pie thing.
Andrew's wonderful mother came out to visit after the birth of our latest wee one and it just so happened that it was Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving means pie. And if you have one pie, then you have to have another when that one runs out. So poor Jeanne fell into our trap and made us pie after pie, ending with the best apple pie I think I've ever had (but just to be sure I'd better try a few more out). Then she left and the pie was gone.
We soldiered on for a few weeks but it was no good. There was no pie. I was suffering post pie depression but Jeanne came to the rescue and sent me a few recipes. Lo and behold, pie depression ended with my first successful pie. I think I've made a pie every other week or so since then.
But this pie love has led to a few shameful behaviors. The first pie started us into this sad selfish spiral. I was so excited to share it with my boys-- a little baked love from Maman. And what happened? O didn't even finish his slice, let alone ask for seconds or ask for maman to make more. I wasted a whole piece on that ingrate. And so he got no more. The other day he asked if Mama was making a treat and if he could have some. He got a packaged cookie from me-- no pie for you. Yes, I hide pie from my own child now.
And then there's our wonderful neighbors. We love them. We think about bringing them pie to share some of our love for them. And then we think that that would mean that there is a pie that we're not eating. Can't have that, so no pie for the neighbors. I'll make them cookies.
Probably most shameful of all is that the hour between 11pm and midnight is no longer bedtime. It is now officially known as "pie time" and each day is spent making references to the upcoming pie time. My days are also spent whining about being fat, but that is always put on hold for pie time.
I've even begun to wax philosophical about making pies. For me it's like having children. I've made a few, and this latest one has turned out pretty dang good, but I still don't feel like a pie maker. Am I seriously a mother? Mothers are supposed to know a lot more about being mothers than I do, just like pie makers know a lot more about making pies than I do. But did I mention that this latest pie turned out pretty good? Best of the bunch, according to Andrew. Is there hope for this newest baby? I'm already pretty in love.